Tuesday, January 27, 2009
two in a row!
Woooow... you should all be impressed.
I have discovered that when my life is a mess, my house is as well. I never really realized the correlation between the two until I got into college. When I was at my lowest was when my laundry pile was at its highest. These past few weeks have been pretty rough, and I'm really not even sure why. Gradually, my room kept getting more and more untidy, and my life followed suit...or vice versa. Last night I went on a cleaning spree that lead to a bit of catharsis. Every piece of trash I picked up was like a part of my life that I was now in control of. I cleaned for close to six hours, and finally, my house is (for the most part) back in order...and for some reason, I'm at peace with the fact that my life is as well. When I finally fell asleep at about 4:30, I had a terrible dream...there were people coming through and TRASHING my house. Now...had I not already known the correlation between my life and my tidyness, I probably would have just said, "Wow, that was a wierd dream." I think, however, that it was a little symbolic of how my life takes this turn sometimes. Perhaps I allow people or things into my "house" that I know are going to TRASH it. When I kick those people/things out, I have time to get things back in order. I took that dream as a warning...when your house is its cleanest, is when Satan and temptation will try their hardest to TRASH it. So...here's to clean rooms and cleaner consciences.
**Reader's note: please ignore the multiple comma splices and superfluous use of ellipsis in the above post. You get my point, right?**
Posted by Nurse Paige
at 11:10 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
I'll be brief
I'll be brief, because I really don't care to rehash my apology for
not blogging more faithfully. I just want everyone (all three of you?)
to know that I am resolving, allbeit a little late for New Year's, to
be pacified by the fact that God is enough. Little snippets of my past
have been rearing their ugly head and showing me how far I had come.
Last night I perused my old xanga blog and I was pretty mortified by
some of the things I said and the toxicity of the relationships I was
in...oh yeah...and the sheer NUMBER of them. Anyway...moral of the
story is I have come WAY too far to fall back into what I had been.
I'll be updating you on how this process is coming ;)
Sent from my iPhone
Posted by Nurse Paige
at 9:02 AM