Wednesday, May 13, 2009
fifty-sixth time is a charm?
I know I have resolved and resolved to keep this silly thing updated, but it hasn't happened yet. Once again, I am resolving to make this work. Tonight is the LOST finale and I could NOT be more excited. I have faithfully stayed away from all spoilers all season. I can't believe it is finally here.
Also...Work is going really well. I feel like I am gaining knowledge every shift. Sometimes I have to seek it out for myself, but that's what its all about, right? I've also gained some fantastic friendships up at work. I wouldn't trade those for the world.
As the year anniversary comes up of "the week my world turned upside down," as it has come to be known (AKA dog loses eye, called the wedding off, graduated, moved back home ALL IN SEVEN DAYS), I think back on where I was a year ago, and how far I have come. I am so thankful to God for the people he has put in my life EXACTLY when I needed them. AND the people that he removed from my life, or at least my view, when I needed that. I have seen every encounter since that week as purposeful and God-breathed. It has been amazing to see him work in powerful ways.
PLEASE keep me accountable to blogging. If you read, then say to me..."Hey Paige, you haven't blogged since the O.J. trial...maybe its time you updated?"
I would really appreciate it. :)
Oh yeah...and this guy is coming back this week. It should get interesting!!!
Posted by Nurse Paige
at 10:15 AM